Podcast Interview with The Military Leader
Hi Everyone,
I’d like to highlight that my first-ever podcast interview is now available on the Elite Achievement podcast! Thanks a ton to Mike and Tristan for giving me an opportunity to talk about all things leadership. Great work and I look forward to collaborating and making a difference on future projects!
Check out the Elite Achievement website at www.eliteachievement.us.
Follow them on Twitter (@achieveelite) and on Facebook.
Finally, follow the podcast on iTunes.
“Working harder does not equate to being more productive.” Do you feel that military leaders still have not embraced this fact? Do we try to personally do too much? Do we hold on to projects until deadline, trying to get ever closer to perfection?
Listening to Michael Hyatt’s podcast on “The Fine Art of Delegation,” I again came to the conclusion that effective delegation is a battle that military leaders and staffs fight on a daily basis.
Michael Hyatt gives 5 Imperatives of Delegation in this podcast, but the real gem of the episode is his description of the 5 Levels of Authority. He simplifies the exercise of authority, which then clarifies how leaders should be delegating.

U.S. Army Chief of Staff Gen. Raymond T. Odierno speaks to company-level leaders to discuss leadership
and answer questions during his visit to Wiesbaden, Germany, April 30, 2013.
Photo Credit: Staff Sgt. Steve Cortez
Leader interviews are on the way!
Next week, I’ll interview a forward-deployed Brigade Commander about his leadership experience and lessons.
What would you like to hear in the interview?
Post question recommendations and topic suggestions in the comment box or in an email to: admin@themilitaryleader.com.
Thanks for getting involved!