Grow NOW! …with these 7 Podcast Interviews

Growth in the world begins with growth inside. Good leaders exhibit a moment to moment commitment to become something more than what they are. They read to learn. They engage to be challenged. They listen to be enlightened. Consequently, their followers’ growth is a reflection of that process.

In your quest to become more than you were yesterday, here are a few podcast interviews I’ve listened to lately that made me want to pull over the car and take notes. Enjoy!


Michael Hyatt

No matter how disciplined, driven, or focused we might be, at some point we all feel like we need to refine who we are and what we’re doing in life. Michael Hyatt’s approach is simple and logical. He explains that a properly aligned calling is one where passion, proficiency, and profitability are in balance. Check out How to Discern Your Calling.

(As a bonus, this one is also powerful: 15 Lessons I Learned from Bad Bosses)

Seth Godin

If you’re not reading Seth Godin, you’re missing out on one of the most pragmatic, pithy, and common sense thought leaders alive today. I couldn’t narrow down a single interview that’s been so impactful for me lately, so I’m including 3 of them.

Malcolm Gladwell

You know Malcolm Gladwell from Blink, Outliers, and The Tipping Point. He challenges the status quo in a pragmatic, visionary way. Look inside his very eccentric brain to find out how it all comes together, in Dissecting the Success of Malcolm Galdwell.

(He also talks about his new podcast, Revisionist History)

Simon Sinek

The Zig Ziglar True Performance podcast hosts Simon Sinek, who explains why it’s so important to brush your teeth twice a day…by the way, it has nothing to do with dental hygiene. Check out Simon Sinek on how to actually, authentically lead.

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