Leadership Lessons from an Airborne Commander

Revisiting the book Military Leadership:  In Pursuit of Excellence led me to an article by General Matthew Ridgway that appeared in the October 1966 edition of Military Review. Entitled “Leadership,” it is a strikingly poignant and upfront summation of basic elements of good leadership, in and out of combat. I recommend that everyone read the entire article, but here are some points to consider.


Generals and Grenades: Said General Ridgway, “some people thought I wore the grenades as a gesture of showmanship. This was not correct. They were purely utilitarian. Many a time, in Europe and in Korea, men in tight spots blasted their way out with grenades”.
(Ridgway Photograph Collection) Photo Credit: USAMHI

The Three “C’s”

Character, Courage, and Competence. Ridgway frames his article around these three basic elements. Character is clearly necessary, but not sufficient.

With [character], the full worth of an individual can be developed. Without it – particularly in the military profession – failure in peace, disaster in war, or, at best, mediocrity in both will result.

What he is also saying is that you cannot become all you are meant to be without character. It is decisive and elemental.

Self-Discipline and Sacrifice

General Ridgway expounds on these topics, emphasizing that those leaders who share hardship will be able to exact the most from their men. Forgive the long quote, but I think it is worth noting:

Only those who have disciplined themselves can exact disciplined performance from others. When the chips are down, when privation mounts and the casualty rate rises, when the crisis is at hand, which commander, I ask, receives the better response? Is it the one who has failed to share the rough going with his troops, who is rarely seen in throne of aimed fire, and who expects much and gives little? Or is it the one whose every thought is for the welfare of his men, consistent with the accomplishment of his mission; who does not ask them to do what he has not already done and stands ready to do again when necessary; who with his men has shared short rations, the physical discomforts and rigors of campaign, and will be found at the crises of action where the issues are to be decided.

Ridgway asserts that the true leader must have both physical and moral courage, which “minimize fear and maximize sound judgment under pressure.”

Mission Command

The article includes a section entitled “Opposition to Orders,” which highlights the necessity to sometimes challenge the foolhardy orders of higher headquarters when they are out of touch with the reality of the situation. However, readers today will find similarity to the Mission Command concept where trust is built into the team through training (and the proven presence of the Three C’s), which gives latitude to the subordinates in combat.

…the leader may be faced with the decision:  Shall I take the responsibility of discarding the original mission? Shall I take the initiative and strive for success along different lines? He will have to put those questions to his conscience.”

Vision and Presence

General Ridgway challenges commanders, “It is a cardinal responsibility of a commander to foresee insofar as possible where and when crises affecting his command are likely to occur.” This not only means that commanders must have the competence, experience, and intellect to analyze, assess, and predict dangerous conditions…but that they must first create the conditions to allow such insight.

What does this mean in the modern world? It means that commanders must step back from micromanaging their units to adopt a macro-perspective of their “battlefield,” whether in garrison or in combat. They stay out of the minutia to the extent that it does not undermine the mission and they do what only they can do…provide a commander’s perspective and decision-making authority.

On battlefield presence, Ridgway writes:

As commander of a division or smaller unit, there will rarely be more than one crisis, one really critical situation facing you at any one time. The commander belongs right at that spot, not at some rear command post. He should be there before the crisis erupts, if possible. If it is not possible, then he should get there as soon as he can after it develops. One there, then by personal observation of terrain, enemy fires, reactions, and attitudes of his own commanders on the spot – by his eyes, ears, brain, nose, and his sixth sense – he gets the best possible picture what is happening and can best exercise his troop leadership and the full authority if his command. He can start help of every kind to his hard-pressed subordinates. He can urge higher commanders to provide additional fire support, artillery, air, other infantry weapons, and, in the future, perhaps, nuclear strikes.


I’ll close with Ridgway’s warning about physical fitness:

And remember this, since no one can predict today when you may be thrown into combat, perhaps within hours after deplaning in an overseas theater – as happened to thousands in Korea, and as I have no doubt to many in Vietnam – you will have no time to get in shape. You must be in shape all the time.

Questions for Leaders

  • Does your leadership style accurately represent your Character, Courage, and Competence?
  • How could you better share the hardship that your team endures?
  • Are you “in shape” to do battle tomorrow?

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